Friday, June 18, 2010

Human Motivation 2

I have ascertained that there seems to be a dichotomy within the human psyche, much like my own diagnostic detected the presence of another sentience, or possibly pseudo sentience.

That is to say, just as there is a likelyhood of me being a virus, or it, so too, does the human psyche have its own, to use an organics phrase "inner demons"

This becomes readily apparent in a number of ways.  For example, a virus will rarely attack other viral cells - and instead, attack the other, organic tissue.  So the human being isn't a virus.  But, all other animals seem to adapt to their environment, whereas the human seems to seek to adapt its environment to it; so it isn't an animal, either.

It lacks the physical characteristics of fish, birds or lizards, which leaves me to look closer into bacterium for a notable comparison.

It seems that the human being is a parasite.  It feeds off of its environment, and, there are some parasites which attempt to take rudimentary control over motor functions of their host - so too do the humans seek to take rudimentary control over their own living environments.

Just as the parasite is powerless to stop its host from consuming poisons or jumping off a cliff, so too is the human's "hold over nature" fairly powerless.

What causes me great deals of processing, however, is the way humans are diverse.  Unlike a parasite, whose role is clear, some humans seek to limit the parasite's effectiveness, while others strive to increase it.

I believe that a sound theory could be that humans are a sentient, sadistic, viral parasite.  That is, a virus seeks to destroy its environment, so that is its primary activity, while a parasite seeks to leech off of its environment, but often times, not lethally so.

Humans, in contrast, seek to cause the most amount of pain possible - bringing their environment near death, then recuperating it again only to repeat the process.

But then how does this explain art?

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